Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Through the roof! Hailstorm claims soar

Through the roof! Hailstorm claims soar

April storm one of state's costliest: $560M in damage


The Good Friday hailstorm will go down as one of the costliest weather events in state history: 177,000 Central Indiana residents have filed claims totaling $560 million for auto and home repairs.

"For many companies, it is the biggest storm they can recall, in terms of dollars," said Marty Wood, a spokesman for the Insurance Institute of Indiana.

Most auto repairs have been completed or scheduled, officials say. Focus is increasingly turning to residential repairs, as many homeowners decide whether to get roofs and gutters fixed.

Officials report isolated cases of fraud on the part of repair crews and homeowners, including one whom officials suspect climbed on his roof and used a coin to simulate storm damage on his shingles.

But as storms go, most agree it was perfect in one sense -- while it created lots of damage, the storm resulted in relatively little hardship. There were no deaths and relatively minor injuries from the storm, which struck on Good Friday.

"It is a catastrophe, but you want to save the word catastrophe for a hurricane or a storm like that," said Doug Miller, 50, of Coomer Roofing of Indianapolis. On Friday, his crew was sweating out another job nailing shingles onto the pitched roof of a home in the Meridian-Kessler neighborhood. "We're here in a nice neighborhood. There's no one having to camp out on their lawns."

Certainly the storm was good for Miller's company. He said that by the end of June, he had already exceeded revenues for all of 2005.

New roof or no roof

For some homeowners, the decision on whether to get a new roof is a no-brainer. A $500 or $1,000 deductible to get a new $10,000 roof is almost a windfall.

"For a lot of people, it is a gift. It is a blessing in disguise," said Scott Surette, a home inspector from Indianapolis. "It's a 10-, 12-, 15-year-old roof that is OK, but they have a golden opportunity to get a new roof, and the insurance company is footing the bill. . . . They say, 'If they are going to hand me free roof, I'll take it.' "

But some suspect there are homeowners and contractors who are taking advantage of the hailstorm.

"There are a lot of roofs being replaced that don't need to be replaced, in my opinion," said Glenn Barton of Barton Home Inspections of Indianapolis. "I think it happens because the opportunity is there to turn it (a claim) into the insurance company, and people are saying 'Me, too.' "

While it may be tempting to keep up with the Joneses and join the re-roofing frenzy, insurance experts say there is a potential downside. Homeowners who turn in too many claims run the risk of having their policy dropped.

The state's Consumer Protection Division of the attorney general's office says it has received relatively few complaints since the storm, and most of those have dealt with the timeliness of getting insurers to pay for repairs.

"The number of complaints relating to work not getting done, scams by home contractors and those kinds of complaints that we have jurisdiction over, have not been voluminous," said Staci Schneider, spokeswoman for Attorney General Steve Carter.

Jerrell Campbell, a Seattle resident who is in Indianapolis to help State Farm Insurance handle 1,400 claims per week here, said only a few instances of fraud have been found. One Indianapolis homeowner, he said, is suspected of using a coin or some other object to mimic hail damage.

In another case being probed, Campbell said one roofing contractor showed a prospective client pictures of a storm-damaged roof -- only it wasn't the client's roof. Some contractors have misrepresented themselves as State Farm employees and submitted claims purporting to work for the policyholder.

How much longer will the repair frenzy last? The state recommends policyholders move promptly in making their claims.

Bob Skinner, 35, Pike Township, said he will get the roof of his ranch home inspected next week. He waited three months to get it done. Part of his motivation is because, on his street, "everybody else is doing it."

"If it's a problem, I want it taken care of before it becomes a problem," Skinner said. "And before I miss the opportunity to take care of it."


Some quick answers

Bettye L. Foy, of the state Department of Insurance, answered some frequently asked questions.

Q: Is there a deadline for people to file claims from the April 14 storm?

A: Refer to your policy (duties after a loss). The insured should report a claim promptly.

Q: Should homeowners expect their rates to go up once they file a claim?

A: As a rule, rates will not go up after filing one claim.

Q: Can an insurance company cancel a policy related to a single hail event after a claim?

A: Generally, an "act of God" is not grounds for cancellation.


What homeowners should do

According to Angie's List, a subscriber-based Indianapolis referral company:

If you haven't already done so, inspect your roof, gutters, windows and siding and take photos. Get a damage assessment from your property insurer's adjustor and get at least three estimates from contractors.

Be wary of storm chasers and door-to-door solicitors.

When you pick a contractor, have him or her negotiate directly with your insurer if they disagree on repair costs.

Be prepared to wait until repairs can be made.

Frequently asked questions

Many homeowners are deciding whether to file claims for hail damage. Here is information from Bettye L. Foy, deputy commissioner of the consumer services division in the state Department of Insurance.

Q: How many claims does a homeowner have to file before he or she is in jeopardy of being canceled?

A: As a rule, a policy would not be canceled for one claim unless there is fraud or misrepresentation.

Q: Does money make a difference? Is it better to make a claim for $15,000 or less as opposed to $50,000 or more?

A: No.

Q: Will the state monitor the situation in case rate increases occur?

A: Indiana's property and casualty insurance rate filing laws are designated as "file and use" laws. That means insurers are required to file property and casualty insurance rates with the Department of Insurance but are not required to wait for approval before the rates can be used. The department can, after a hearing, require an insurer to withdraw rates if they are found to be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory.

-- Tom Spalding


By the numbers


Claims submitted from Central Indiana in connection with the April 14 hailstorm, according to Insurance Services Offices, Ind., a for-profit company in New Jersey that tracks catastrophes.

$560 million

Damages submitted from the storm through July 7, according to Insurance Services.

$38.5 billion

Estimated cost of damage caused by Hurricane Katrina, according to Insurance Services.

Call Star reporter Tom Spalding at (317) 444-2803.

Hailstorm part 1 - May 11 '06

Fixing to wait

Thousands of houses and cars still bear scars a month after a hailstorm battered Central Indiana. The lines for repair work could stretch for months.


Four weeks after the Good Friday hailstorm, Central Indiana residents are being told it could be months before their damaged cars and homes can be repaired.

One auto body shop is so swamped it has a team of workers from Brazil doing hail-related repairs. The work in some shops is being scheduled as far out as July and August.

Roofers and businesses repairing siding and windows also report record traffic stemming from the April 14 storm.

Property and casualty insurers have reported more than 40,000 claims statewide, according to Marty Wood of the Insurance Institute of Indiana. More than 75 percent of those claims are from Central Indiana.

Stuart Lowry, whose century-old Indianapolis home was tattooed during the hailstorm, is feeling lucky despite his daunting repair list: gutters, windows, and every shingle on his roof. His preliminary bill: $15,000.

"I feel pretty good about the fact that we have got people coming -- pretty soon," said Lowry.

But when might those repairs be complete? He doesn't know. Lowry thinks it might not happen until the fall.

"It's the worst I've ever seen," said Andy Roseboom, an Avon-based contractor. "Everybody is saying the same thing. I probably have 100 roofs to do right now. Normally I'd only have 20."

"We're scheduled all the way to the first week of July, and we're still taking quite a few (requests) a day," said Donnie Moorehouse of Moorehouse Body Shop on Troy Avenue.

Even people who have received insurance checks are finding they have to schedule repairs two or three months out. In some cases, damage appraisers are setting up appointments on Sundays to meet the workload.

State Farm Insurance still has a significant backlog of homeowner claims, said spokeswoman Missy Lundberg. State Farm insures about one in five homes and one in four cars in Indiana.

Of the 14,500 hail-related claims it received from Indiana, State Farm has cleared 5,000 for repairs.

During the storm, trained spotters and other weather observers reported hail ranging from pea-sized to as large as golf balls and chicken eggs.

Two-inch hailstones pierced automobile windshields and cracked vinyl siding on buildings near 71st Street West and Georgetown Road; 13/4-inch stones were reported near Camby and Beech Grove.

Because hail events are not measured like rain or floods by the National Weather Service, it is hard to put the storm into historical perspective.

"It's not uncommon to see hail," said Mike Shartran, data acquisition program manager at the National Weather Service. "But to see strong storms that produce golf- and baseball-size hail, that is not a common occurrence."

Hoosiers in the auto and home repair businesses say the hail damage is rivaled only by storms in 1996 and 1989.

About 375 vehicles on the Honda West lot on West 38th Street near I-65 needed minor repairs to remove small dents; 400 vehicles at Family Buick Mitsubishi near North Shadeland Avenue and I-465 also needed touch-ups.

"What was unusual in this case was it was a wider path and it hit a lot of consumers," said Scot Davis, CEO and owner of Family.

According to the Indiana attorney general's office, state law says auto dealers must disclose a vehicle's hail damage to customers if the damage exceeds 4 percent of the vehicle's price.

Policyholders have to weigh the price of repair. There are out-of-pocket expenses as well as deductibles and the possibility of rising insurance premiums.

Linda Lee is, perhaps, like countless other storm victims -- unsure of her next step.

Lee, 66, who lives in an apartment complex in the 6400 block of Hoover Road in Indianapolis, showed off her green 2000 Honda Accord, which is dotted with scores of dime-size dimples. She counted at least 44 depressions on the trunk.

"I haven't tried to see where I'll get it repaired. I might not get it repaired," she said.

The Better Business Bureau of Central Indiana is worried about storm-chasing scam artists.

"I applaud people who have been able to wait and to be patient and get a contract with a local business," said Linda Carmody, president and chief executive of the local BBB. The good news, she said, is that cars are drivable and homes are generally livable, so "it's worth waiting to deal with those good folks."

Indianapolis residents Steve and Joan Shank took their vehicles to Church Brothers Collision Repair in Greenwood, 17 miles south of their home, where damage wasn't quite so severe.

"If I had waited for the Downtown shop where I got the estimates, it would have been the last week of June," she said. "They were already booked."



Damage claims: 40,000 were made statewide after the storm, property and casualty insurers report. Most are from Central Indiana, and more are expected.

Car dinged? Just wait. Some auto repair shops are scheduling dent repairs into July and August.

Imported help: One auto repair shop has a crew from Brazil in to help with the work. A national storm reconstruction company based in Glen Ellyn, Ill., is opening an Indianapolis office to help rebuild roofs, siding and rain gutters.

Lots of cars were sitting ducks:

375 vehicles on the Honda West lot on West 38th Street and 400 vehicles at Family Buick Mitsubishi near North Shadeland Avenue and I-465 needed repairs.

Through the roof: A contractor who usually works on 20 homes this time of year says he has 100 now.


Protect yourself

Beware: Do not hire people who come to your door or call you saying they noticed damage.

Referrals: Get referrals from your insurance company or from friends to find a reputable repair shop or contractor. Contact the Better Business Bureau, the attorney general's Consumer Protection Division or services such as Angie's List to make sure the company is in good standing.

Guarantees: Ask if the work is guaranteed. If you notice a flaw, you should be able to have it fixed at no additional charge.

Neighbors: Check with your neighbors if you experienced hail but didn't see any visible damage to your roof. If a neighbor is doing roof repairs, you may have damage as well.

Contracts: Get all contract information in writing. Indiana law requires home improvement contracts exceeding $150 to be in writing.

Payments: Never pay the entire cost of repairs in advance or pay in cash. Down payments should not exceed one-third of the cost of repairs.

Sources: Indiana Consumer Protection Division, Better Business Bureau, Progressive Group of Insurance Companies


Repairing the damage

Here's a quick look at how cars damaged by hail are repaired:

Paintless: The simplest way of handling hailstone damage is known as "paintless dent repair." A technician pushes small dents back into shape from the inside of a body panel.

Dent pullers: Sometimes mechanics use small dent pullers to remove dents. However, this can mean removing interior panels and fabric and padding lining the roof to get to the dents.

Damaged panels: Where the dents are too numerous and too deep, mechanics must replace damaged body panels with new ones. This is an expensive process because the sheet metal needs primer, color paint and clear coat to bring it up to factory standards.

Star reporters Kevin O'Neal, J.K. Wall and Mark Nichols contributed to this story.

Call Star reporter Tom Spalding at (317) 444-2803.

Publication date: Saturday, July 22, 2006
Page number: A01
Section: NEWS
Day: SAT
Byline ID:
Copyright: Yes

Through the roof! Hailstorm claims soar

April storm one of state's costliest: $560M in damage


The Good Friday hailstorm will go down as one of the costliest weather events in state history: 177,000 Central Indiana residents have filed claims totaling $560 million for auto and home repairs.

"For many companies, it is the biggest storm they can recall, in terms of dollars," said Marty Wood, a spokesman for the Insurance Institute of Indiana.

Most auto repairs have been completed or scheduled, officials say. Focus is increasingly turning to residential repairs, as many homeowners decide whether to get roofs and gutters fixed.

Officials report isolated cases of fraud on the part of repair crews and homeowners, including one whom officials suspect climbed on his roof and used a coin to simulate storm damage on his shingles.

But as storms go, most agree it was perfect in one sense -- while it created lots of damage, the storm resulted in relatively little hardship. There were no deaths and relatively minor injuries from the storm, which struck on Good Friday.

"It is a catastrophe, but you want to save the word catastrophe for a hurricane or a storm like that," said Doug Miller, 50, of Coomer Roofing of Indianapolis. On Friday, his crew was sweating out another job nailing shingles onto the pitched roof of a home in the Meridian-Kessler neighborhood. "We're here in a nice neighborhood. There's no one having to camp out on their lawns."

Certainly the storm was good for Miller's company. He said that by the end of June, he had already exceeded revenues for all of 2005.

New roof or no roof

For some homeowners, the decision on whether to get a new roof is a no-brainer. A $500 or $1,000 deductible to get a new $10,000 roof is almost a windfall.

"For a lot of people, it is a gift. It is a blessing in disguise," said Scott Surette, a home inspector from Indianapolis. "It's a 10-, 12-, 15-year-old roof that is OK, but they have a golden opportunity to get a new roof, and the insurance company is footing the bill. . . . They say, 'If they are going to hand me free roof, I'll take it.' "

But some suspect there are homeowners and contractors who are taking advantage of the hailstorm.

"There are a lot of roofs being replaced that don't need to be replaced, in my opinion," said Glenn Barton of Barton Home Inspections of Indianapolis. "I think it happens because the opportunity is there to turn it (a claim) into the insurance company, and people are saying 'Me, too.' "

While it may be tempting to keep up with the Joneses and join the re-roofing frenzy, insurance experts say there is a potential downside. Homeowners who turn in too many claims run the risk of having their policy dropped.

The state's Consumer Protection Division of the attorney general's office says it has received relatively few complaints since the storm, and most of those have dealt with the timeliness of getting insurers to pay for repairs.

"The number of complaints relating to work not getting done, scams by home contractors and those kinds of complaints that we have jurisdiction over, have not been voluminous," said Staci Schneider, spokeswoman for Attorney General Steve Carter.

Jerrell Campbell, a Seattle resident who is in Indianapolis to help State Farm Insurance handle 1,400 claims per week here, said only a few instances of fraud have been found. One Indianapolis homeowner, he said, is suspected of using a coin or some other object to mimic hail damage.

In another case being probed, Campbell said one roofing contractor showed a prospective client pictures of a storm-damaged roof -- only it wasn't the client's roof. Some contractors have misrepresented themselves as State Farm employees and submitted claims purporting to work for the policyholder.

How much longer will the repair frenzy last? The state recommends policyholders move promptly in making their claims.

Bob Skinner, 35, Pike Township, said he will get the roof of his ranch home inspected next week. He waited three months to get it done. Part of his motivation is because, on his street, "everybody else is doing it."

"If it's a problem, I want it taken care of before it becomes a problem," Skinner said. "And before I miss the opportunity to take care of it."


Some quick answers

Bettye L. Foy, of the state Department of Insurance, answered some frequently asked questions.

Q: Is there a deadline for people to file claims from the April 14 storm?

A: Refer to your policy (duties after a loss). The insured should report a claim promptly.

Q: Should homeowners expect their rates to go up once they file a claim?

A: As a rule, rates will not go up after filing one claim.

Q: Can an insurance company cancel a policy related to a single hail event after a claim?

A: Generally, an "act of God" is not grounds for cancellation.


What homeowners should do

According to Angie's List, a subscriber-based Indianapolis referral company:

If you haven't already done so, inspect your roof, gutters, windows and siding and take photos. Get a damage assessment from your property insurer's adjustor and get at least three estimates from contractors.

Be wary of storm chasers and door-to-door solicitors.

When you pick a contractor, have him or her negotiate directly with your insurer if they disagree on repair costs.

Be prepared to wait until repairs can be made.

Frequently asked questions

Many homeowners are deciding whether to file claims for hail damage. Here is information from Bettye L. Foy, deputy commissioner of the consumer services division in the state Department of Insurance.

Q: How many claims does a homeowner have to file before he or she is in jeopardy of being canceled?

A: As a rule, a policy would not be canceled for one claim unless there is fraud or misrepresentation.

Q: Does money make a difference? Is it better to make a claim for $15,000 or less as opposed to $50,000 or more?

A: No.

Q: Will the state monitor the situation in case rate increases occur?

A: Indiana's property and casualty insurance rate filing laws are designated as "file and use" laws. That means insurers are required to file property and casualty insurance rates with the Department of Insurance but are not required to wait for approval before the rates can be used. The department can, after a hearing, require an insurer to withdraw rates if they are found to be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory.

-- Tom Spalding


By the numbers


Claims submitted from Central Indiana in connection with the April 14 hailstorm, according to Insurance Services Offices, Ind., a for-profit company in New Jersey that tracks catastrophes.

$560 million

Damages submitted from the storm through July 7, according to Insurance Services.

$38.5 billion

Estimated cost of damage caused by Hurricane Katrina, according to Insurance Services.

Call Star reporter Tom Spalding at (317) 444-2803.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Signs of the Super Bowl

By Tom Spalding

One of the more confusing exits leading to Downtown Indianapolis is getting a makeover starting tonight, and you can thank 2012 Super Bowl for helping straighten things out.

Weather permitting, the Indiana Department of Transportation and Indianapolis Department of Public Works crews will begin installing new signs along Interstate 70 so that Exit 79B points towards Meridian Street, instead of McCarty Street.

McCarty is an east-west street, while Meridian runs north-south and would take visitors to nightclubs, places to eat and, of course, Lucas Oil Stadium and related attractions.

Locals may have grown accustomed to bunched-up cluster of ramps and spin-off roads, but for an outsider, it can be maddening.

More coverage: Click here for a roundup of Indianapolis-area business news and state updates.

"The road names (in that section) are not continuous," said INDOT spokesman Will Wingfield, whose agency is replacing eight signs altogether that involve McCarty. "It's to reduce confusion and put the best face on Indianapolis as possible for people visiting out city."

Access to the roads won't change -- just the directional signs.

“These new interstate signs will make traveling to Downtown easier,” added Tamara Zahn, Indianapolis Downtown Inc. president. “Drivers exiting onto Meridian Street will have convenient access to Downtown's businesses and attractions.”

From our archives: It's ours! Indianapolis scores 2012 Super Bowl

Officials planning for the 2012 Super Bowl identified the Meridian Street thoroughfare -- the city's north-south street that is lined with shops, restaurants and hotels -- as the preferred gateway to downtown Indianapolis.

In the future, additional signage is planned along I-65, I-70 and I-465 to help direct motorists to Indianapolis International Airport.

“With INDOT review and planning for the Super Bowl in 2012, signage became a concern as we will have a larger number of out-of-town visitors,” said INDOT Chief of Staff Robert L. Zier in a statement today. “Although we hope that the Colts are in the game that day, we anticipate travelers coming to Indianapolis who may not be familiar with the city and its layout.”

Nearby businesses are asked to join this effort by updating directions that may be included on their Web sites or printed materials. The sign changes have also been reported to global positioning systems and Web-mapping providers NAVTEQ, TeleAtlas and Google Maps.

Oct. 16, 2006 Myers trial

MARTINSVILLE, Ind. -- For the first time since his arrest, prosecutors
today laid out what appears to be the prime reason why John R. Myers
II is linked to the 2000 slaying of IU student Jill Behrman: Myers'
guilty conscience.

Records unsealed by the Morgan County Superior Court during the first
day of Myers' murder trial show he implicated himself to his
grandmother and a former jail cellmate.

Myers, according to the records, told his grandmother Betty Swafford
in late 2004: "If the authorities knew what I have done, I would go to
prison for the rest of my life."

And in May 2005 after an unrelated arrest, the records show, Myers
told an inmate at Monroe County Jail: "I wouldn't have done it if the
(expletive deleted) would have done what I told her."

Behrman, 19, vanished May 31, 2000 after a morning bicycle ride in the
Bloomington area. Her remains were found in March 2003 in a remote,
rural area of Morgan County. Despite national attention and several
people identified as "persons of interest" the case grew cold.

Myers was arrested in April after a grand jury was convened in Morgan
County to examine the evidence.

No evidence linking Myers to the murder had been publicly released.
Myers, who turns 31 Tuesday, has plead not guilty.

Attorneys on both sides today are arguing a variety of motions and it
remains undetermined whether the court records that describe Myers'
comments to others will be admitted by Judge Christopher Burnham.

The records go on to say that Myers had the time and the ability to
have been involved in Behrman's disappearance.

The records show that investigators in June 2000 had privately
identified Myers as a suspect because of strange behavior on and after
Behrman's disappearance, but that investigators turned their focus to
other potential suspects.

But Myers eventually turned into the state police investigators' No. 1 target.

"His state of mind at the time (is) relevant to establish the
defendant's identity and motive to commit the crime of murder as well
as to negate the defendant's explanation for his actions and behavior
the day Jill Behrman came up missing," the records show.

Myers' attorney, Patrick V. Baker, is seeking to block the records
from being admitted. He told Burnham there is no proof that Myers
killed Behrman and the statements are "speculation and innuendo."

But Robert Cline, chief deputy prosecutor for Morgan County, told the
judge today: "The statements from the defendant clearly imply guilt."

The opening statements from attorneys are scheduled to begin later
today. The 12-person jury is expected to listen to weeks of

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Hoosiers go look for Gold archive


Hoosiers go looking for gold
By Tom Spalding on July 29, 2010
Gold in Indiana? Yes, but don't bank on it

With gold prices peaking this summer at more than $1,200 an ounce, some people are seeking their fortunes in Indiana's streams.

They're panning for gold. Hoosier gold.

Tiny nuggets of the precious metal can be sifted from the bottoms of Indiana creeks and rivers, especially south of Indianapolis in Brown, Monroe and Morgan counties, where the streams contain leftover Ice Age glacial gravel. And people are going after it.

"They call it gold fever," said Alan Oden, 62, a woodworker who, along with his wife, Lois, recently hosted about 30 prospectors in an ankle-deep stretch of Pike Creek on their 32-acre woods near Morgantown.

Although it would be overstating the case to call it an Indiana gold rush, the Odens are far from alone.

At least two Indiana businesses provide gold panning for family fun -- it's free, but you'll need to buy or rent a pan and a trowel.

And the ranks of the Central Indiana Gold Prospectors Association of America -- whose members sometimes use elaborate and more expensive equipment -- have grown from 25 in 2008 to 280 in June, said its president, Wayne Mercer, 37, Nineveh.

Self-proclaimed prospectors wryly remark that the miniscule amounts of gold to be found in a day of panning or dredging might net an average of $25 -- enough to pay for the basic equipment. But as you look into those prospectors' pans, they'll admit the occasional nugget can bring in a tidy $70.

"You'd be amazed at the amount of people who had no idea they could even go gold prospecting in Indiana," said Mercer, who coordinates monthly outings.

He said he's seen some newcomer treasure-hunters quit after just a few hours because the dream of instant wealth didn't quite pan out.

Nelson R. Shaffer, a leader in the Indiana Geological Society, said gold prospecting never has proved lucrative enough to support commercial businesses. Anyone who tries prospecting needs to remember that, yes, patience is golden.

"You'll get very tired, and part of your backside and legs will hurt. And you'll very likely get some gold, (but) there's so much involved in the economics that I can't say whether anybody will make money at it," Shaffer said.

Yet business is booming for Robin Stevens, who runs the Gatesville Country Store in rural Nashville, about an hour's drive south of Downtown Indianapolis. She owns land adjacent to the store on the north fork of Salt Creek, a known source of gold flakes.

She welcomes rookies, as well as veteran, wetsuit-clad gold hunters with sophisticated dredgers. She makes her money by selling equipment and feeding hungry gold diggers.

"Interest has built immensely in the past year and a half," Stevens said. "I've gone from selling one or two pans a year . . . to now I have to call and get supplies (delivered by mail) twice a month."

Another gold-prospecting venture, this one about an hour east of Indianapolis, re-creates a 19th century gold-panning camp. Jellystone Park, a campground in Knightstown, gives free panning lessons and rents equipment for paying campers to use on a creek.

Proficient gold collecting requires expertise, good contacts who know where gold can be found and knowledge of Indiana prospecting regulations. The Indiana Department of Natural Resources adopted new rules in December after "confusion over what was legal and what was not legal," said Linnea Petercheff, with the DNR's Division of Fish and Wildlife.

The new rules aim to protect the environment and prevent trespassing. They stem from an incident in 2007, when seven prospectors were cited by a DNR official for extracting minerals without a permit in the Wabash River in Cass County.

Prospectors favor the rules, which set guidelines on where and how gold can be extracted.

Gold finds have been reported in 20 counties, including Marion.

How much money you can actually make remains a bit of a mystery.

Mark Bender, 57, Oaklandon, says he has prospected for 20 years. He says he's not in it for the money. More lucrative, Bender said, might be to market Indiana's gold hot spots for tourism.

"There are some opportunities there," he said, "that an entrepreneur might take advantage of to make a little bit of money."

Yes. But how much does he make?

Bender estimates it costs about $10 to retrieve a dollar's worth of gold.

Maybe so. But there's always hope.

Alan Oden, who hosted the prospectors on his land, said he has known since 1984 that the creek holds bits of gold and occasionally has waded into the water to see what he can find.

"My wife thinks I'm a nut," he said, "but as the pieces I bring back grow bigger, her eyes get bigger."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gen Con vignettes

Gen Con: Java joint won't be caught napping

Posted: August 5, 2010

Gen Con provided the first of jolt of the day not inside the Indiana Convention Center, but at a coffeehouse on Monument Circle.

Au Bon Pain actually ran out of coffee early this morning, and gamers also formed long lines at nearby Dunkin' Donuts and at the java station inside Borders in Downtown.

"They kind of caught us off guard," joked Howard Readus, manager of the Au Bon Pain store, by phone. Some 300 customers -- sleep-starved gamers in town for the convention, mainly -- scarfed up two things: coffee and bagels.

Readus said the store will be ready on Friday for sleepy-eyed patrons.

"Definitely, we've got extra cases coming in as we speak," he said. "We definitely will have pots laying across the cafe."

"We're always happy to see them come," he said.

Celebrity sightings: In the age of Twitter and cell phones, there's no hiding from your fans.

Author, actor and gamer Wil Wheaton (aka Twitter user @wilw) -- better known as Star Trek's Wesley Crusher -- is one of the featured guests of Gen Con. Attendee and Twitter user @AmandaCook627 sent out this evening missive after spotting Wheaton: "Best con moment ever just happened. @wilw was standing right next to us, and I was able to give him a die. Got a pic, too. Awesome #GenCon!"

And celebs aren't just being passive. Tweeted television satirist Mo Rocca, aka @MoRocca, this afternoon: "At #GenCon in Indianapolis. Far more authentically nerdy than ComicCon. That's a compliment."

Turnout 'fantastic': You'd be hard-pressed to find any evidence of an economic recession inside the Convention Center, where customers like Terry Patnode, 63, Kansas City, Kan., lined up to pay for merchandise. Patnode was buying a $35 card railroad card game, and others around him were loading up on $12 action figures and figurines.

Jerry Sunkin, CEO of Orlando-based CoolStuffInc.com, a games and collectibles supply company, brought an estimated $50,000 worth of gear to sell. "Day One is one of our biggest days for buying and selling ... they come to purchase (and) they get to really geek out."

Turnout of 30,000 is "fantastic" given the economy, although he believes if times were better, some 40,000 attendees would be on hand, Sunkin said.

Caped crusaders: If you cruise Downtown, you'll see all types of costumes being worn by attendees. Star Trek uniforms. Long robes. Elegant masks. Gencon attendee William Caldwell, 20, got plenty of attention dressed up as Nova, a character from the series Bleach. Only his eyes were visible in an all-cotton garb he described as "very hot." Here's a picture of Caldwell with his cousin Gillian Bundles, 13. Some people stopped to pose with him, but Caldwell joked that his costume only cost him $109. "I'm at the bottom of the barrel compared to everyone else," he said.

No sweat:Just because there's sit-down board-gaming going on doesn't mean there isn't action. Ever heard of Amtgard? It's a live-action fantasy roleplaying and combat game. The weapons are made of those kiddie pool noodles with a thin lightweight rod made of graphite.

Pay $2 and you'll get to battle people like Patrick Brinegar, 27, Indianapolis, or Sarah Winkle, 26, or John McMahan, 26, both of Springfield, Ohio.

Here's a picture of Sarah Winkle in action.

"People tell us they wouldn't come to Gen Con" without the Amtgard activity, because not many cities allow the games, Brinegar said. "They want to swing foam."

Reach Star reporter Tom Spalding at www.twitter.com/SpaldoBusiness or contact him at (317) 444-6202.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Cards, castles, costumes: 28K in for Indy Gen Con

August 04, 2010 by Tom Spalding | Star staff

Want to know what’s on the minds of an estimated 28,000-plus gaming enthusiasts who are descending upon Indianapolis this week for another week of cards, costumes and castles?

Just look at Twitter.

Both guests and exhibitors are using the keyword #GenCon as a unified way to communicate via the social media website.

Here’s a Tweet you’ll find today from @gazerrant : “Today’s itinerary: pack for #GenCon, make characters, chem class, fly to Indianapolis, drink at Scotty’s, and game game game game game!”

And Shoshanna Bauer of Champaign, Ill., aka @GamerChick2010 : “Now to pack and get ready for #Gencon. I’m so excited!!!”

Gen Con Indy, officially running Thursday through Sunday at the Indiana Convention Center, is billed as the original, longest-running gaming convention in the world.

Even the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra is getting involved: The ISO will present “Video Games Live” at Conseco Fieldhouse on Saturday. Music from video games, including “Mario,” “Zelda,” “Halo,” “Final Fantasy,” “Tomb Raider” and others, will be featured.

Gen Con, based in Seattle, drew a headcount of 27,900 from Aug. 13-16 2009, despite the recession, affirming its status as one of Indianapolis’ largest conventions.

Gen Con, in its 42nd year, has been held in the city since 2003 and will continue to be here through 2015.

Attendees include hobby gamers and science fiction fans from across the Midwest.

Many of them are known for donning wild, elaborate costumes and staying up all night to play card and table games with friends and strangers.

But there’s no fantasy about its economic impact: about $26.9 million in direct visitor spending.

Representatives from Florida-based On The Lamb Games are Tweeting about the arrival to Indianapolis: “In the exhibitor hall, setting up. This is our first time to gencon, and I’m already amazed at all the awesome stuff.”

On the Lamb promises that for people who stop by the booth, “You’ll not only get to try out Brushfire, but you’ll also be able to see previews of September’s Devon Brigadiers, Gopher Engineers, Otter Ashigaru, and October’s Hamster Berserkers.”

Freelance digital animator Mary Varn of Brooklyn, N.Y. (she is the brains behind NPC , the comic about gamer cats and geeky girls) is coming, but as a guest, not a guest of honor.

“I’m just attending, not exhibiting, so no merch/strips on hand, sorry!” she Tweeted on her handle, @maryvarn.

On the website io9 , Terry Hope Romero writes that Gen Con is the springboard for the RPG industry to debut hot new games for the year and increasingly it’s become a magnet for sci-fi and anime fandom and aspiring fantasy/horror/sci-fi authors. “Gen Con gets its share of celebrity faces , but what I like best is that it’s still a fan-driven con with the main event (the gaming) provided by the gamers themselves. If you’re off to Indy this week you may already have a schedule bursting with pickings from 6,000 events (sleep will happen next week).”

Minneapolis game-design gurus Steve Charbonneau and Steven Ellis posed for pictures near the #gencon Beholder icon monster, located in the Indiana Convention Center.

“I wish I had a toothbrush,” Charbonneau said as he felt the white dagger-like teeth of the Beholder, a fictional character central to the role-playing game Dungeons&Dragons.